Monday, December 28, 2009

Qualities of a Leader

This post is a speech I wrote for a training at the food and beverage department daily briefing at Potawatomi Casino.

I decided to give a speech on the qualities of a great leader. There are a couple problems with that: I'm not a good speaker and I'm not a great leader. So I went to the great repository of information - the internet- and I googled, ‘leadership quotes’. As you can imagine I received about a gazillion quotes and some of them were actually from great leaders. Far too many were from people who wrote books.

But I read, and I sifted;  sorted, organized, categorized; and I came up with what I believe are the five qualities of a great leader; and they are: vision, confidence, trust, ownership, and humility.

I’ll take them each individually, give a couple closing remarks and hopefully we’ll be back to work in about 20 minutes.

“Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.”
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
In order to lead others you have to first know where you are going. You have to have a plan. Thomas Edison said, “Vision without execution is hallucination.” Or, put another way, 'a visionary without a plan is just a dreamer.'"

So, you have to have vision, and you have to have a plan- but your plan has to be flexible because...
 “...the best laid plans of mice and men are apt to go astray.” -Robert Burns

Most all great leaders are workaholics- so plan on rising early and working late. The team is inspired by a leader who is found working when they arrive and is still working when they leave. It doesn’t hurt if you spend some time in the trenches either. Do the dirty work- peel the onions, bus the tables; park the cars. If you want the team to share your vision try sharing the work of the team.

“It’s hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse.”
- Adlai Stevenson
Alexander the Great literally conquered the world by the time he was 30 years old. He inherited a great army from his father Philip, but no man in history ever led with such unabashed confidence. Alexander used to lead the cavalry charge and was always in the thick of the battle. His troops believed that he was indestructible and this gave them confidence in victory.

A confident leader can inspire even a person of mediocre talent to give excellent results, while an incompetent boss can demoralize even the best team. Confidence in the leader inspires confidence in the vision. Trust in the vision insures buy-in by the team; and no one can lead a cavalry charge without a cavalry.


“Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their ingenuity.”
-George S. Patton
No one likes a micro-manager: share the vision, share the plan; delegate responsibility and demand results. Reward efficiency and re-train when necessary. Most people respond best when they are given ownership of a project. Ownership begets pride.

Lao Tzu, the Chinese philosopher who is credited with the founding of Taoism said, “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”

If you cannot trust your team how on earth can you expect them to trust you?


“The price of greatness is responsibility.”
- Winston Churchill
Harry S. Truman had a plaque on his desk, it said: ‘the buck stops here.’ Harry S. Truman was the man who ordered the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan- effectively killing over 200,000 innocent people.

All leaders make decisions- great leaders make difficult decisions. You don’t always know if it’s the right one but sometimes you have to act- especially if no one else will.

Later in life Truman wrote to his friend Irv Kupcinet, a Chicago broadcaster, “I knew what I was doing when I stopped the war... I have no regrets and, under the same circumstances, I would do it again.” You see, ‘Desperate times call for desperate measures.’


“…let the greatest among you be as the youngest, and the leader as the servant.”
-Jesus Christ
There is perhaps no other figure in human history that has had the impact of this uneducated itinerant preacher from a backwater region in an insignificant little occupied country in a remote corner of the once dominant Roman Empire. He never wrote a book, he never held an office, but his impact on western civilization is incalculable and indesputable. He believed in a simple truth and because he refused to renounce his belief he was executed by the very best, brightest, and powerful people of his day.

Today, the Pope is the spiritual leader of over one billion Catholics. That’s more than half of all Christians and one sixth of the world’s population. He is referred to as, “The servant of the servants of God.”

Joseph Stalin was once advised that the Pope was unhappy with some of his policies. Stalin replied, “How many troops does the Pope have? God is on the side of the biggest battalions.” Well, the Pope has no army- unless you believe in angels-but Joseph Stalin is dead, the Soviet Empire is gone, but the Pope and the Catholic Church are still here. So maybe there’s something to be said for humility.


As I was finishing up this speech I did a little browsing through the sayings of Lao Tzu and I found something that really floored me. Two lines from the Tao Te Ching that effectively destroyed everything I had worked on for the last couple days:

“Those who know do not speak, and those who speak do not know.”
I nearly decided to quote those two lines and sit down. The message was pure: ‘If you want to be a leader, then find a parade, get out in front of it, and lead. Otherwise, get in the back.'

If there is one thing I learned from this project it’s that great leaders are forged in the fires of crisis. And I wondered who the great leaders are going be in the next year- because I think there’s a storm coming.  I know it’s not me; I’m not smart enough, but I’m ready to follow. So if you have a vision, show me the plan. If you can inspire confidence, if you trust me, I'll fight along side you. I'll make mistakes- so will you. But when the goal is accomplished we'll share the credit with the team. And we may just be able to get through this thing together.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Baby Blue

Singing off key, wishing on a star, sitting on a merry-go-'round;
Looking in a pond, staring at the sun; watching the clouds roll.
Lullabies- daddy just sighs as the baby cries.
Green grasses- time passes you, Baby Blue.

Stand up; take a step to your dad.
Step, close, turn; take another step then you dance.
Angel, walk across the moon and dance across the sky.
Don't cry; time slips by you, Baby Blue.

Castles in the sand, angels in the snow;
Said she would have liked to stay, but she had to go.

Nice coat and a pack of cigarettes for an old man.
Nice boy, run, keep your sister safe, she's an old friend.
Nice man- said he would have liked to stay, but he had to go.
So sad, time has had you, Baby Blue.

Singing off key, wishing on a star, sitting on a merry-go-'round;
Looking in a hole, staring at the ground; feeling the sun go down.
Lullaby- Daddy don't die, you'll make the baby cry.
Green grasses- time passes you, Baby Blue.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Muses on Healthcare

“Sing in me Muse, and through me tell the story…”
-Homer, The Odyssey
Dearest Perses,
Thanks for indulging me in these reflections of mine. They are not cornerstones of my faith but feathers strewn upon the capricious winds. How they dance!

Something in me finds noxious the lack of resilience of the modern American and the debate over healthcare has intensified the bile. This great country was built with the sweat and the blood of his fathers who, I think, understood better the toil which is man's natural lot than his children in this generation do. They have forgotten, or were never taught, that work molds a man and suffering sanctifies him.

Nature does not guarantee many rights to man beyond the chance to live in freedom or slavery, hardship or leisure, according to his wiles and the blessings of Providence. On the other hand we are not barbarians- charity moves us to pity our fellow travelers who are in need and we are bound as men of eternal destiny or simply human virtue to help them. Charity is an act of the free will which also sanctifies us and should not be given over to another lest we lose the means of Grace. Again, neither nature nor the Constitution declare man as having a right to life free of suffering- government run or otherwise- merely the right to make one's way unimpeded by internal tyrants or foreign enemies. (You may disagree with the President but the Constitution gives him the power to commit troops to war and we, if opposed, have the right to vote him out of office- or change the Constitution.)

You say you are unhappy with our two-party system. I admit to its flaws but prefer them to the 'peace' that a one-party system would provide. I certainly reject the proposition of a Philosopher King (other than the Divine Christ) who could govern me better than I do myself. William F. Buckley was fond of saying he would rather be ruled by the first one hundred names in the Boston phone book than by the faculty at Harvard. This is the wisdom of the founders.

I've never had a class in government but I must take issue with your definition of representative democracy as 'giving the majority what they ask for'. This sounds closer to mob rule than rule of law and was the cancer that ate the belly of Rome. Again, I plead a certain ignorance but I thought our republic was predicated not on strict representative democracy but a system of checks and balances to thwart not only the power of government but also the fickle will of the people. The Constitution guarantees the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Liberty (the jewel in her crown) insures that I can live or die on my own merits without the 'safety net' (or snare) of Government. As to people being "mislead" by deceitful rhetoricians – this is Politics; the second oldest profession. Cain and Able were the first politicians and the process hasn't improved.

On to another point, and again I beg your indulgence, I'm not a hard man but I want to examine the first principles of our discussion, namely, 'is health care a right or privilege?' I maintain that it is indeed a privilege, since no man can have a right to that which belongs to another. A physician is to be paid for his services by the one who receives treatment. If the recipient cannot pay that is between the doctor and patient- and if it comes to it, the courts. The Hippocratic oath is for the virtue of the doctor and the good of man but does not bind the rest of society.

In the scenario you present your man elects not to buy insurance and an accident leaves him with a lifelong crushing debt. He exercised his right not to pay the premium and his decision was foolhardy. I can give you examples from the great teachers from Hesiod to Confucius to Christ who warn their disciples to prepare the barn against the day of famine. Your welfare is your personal responsibility and you must not presume upon the charity of strangers. One need not be educated to understand this so I won't entertain any arguments of having to provide for the ignorant masses, who have managed quite well throughout history. Now, the feeble minded and the infirm are another matter- they are the children of Zeus who's cries invoke his wrath and we cannot neglect them without losing our humanity. I'm speaking of the one who neglects his own house and then cries to Justice for reparation- she will not hear him.

You mention how one man born into wealth does not suffer the afflictions of another who is born to poverty. I would answer that Envy is a troublesome mistress. Do not begrudge your neighbor his wealth, for wealth is his burden and poverty yours and neither one guarantees happiness. Peace comes with the virtues well attended. See to your own happiness and let your brother attend to his.

Regarding your use of the term of 'developed countries' I would substitute the more accurate, if vulgar term, 'prosperous'- for one may be 'developed' in many ways but prosperity is prosperity. Whether our good fortune is from the gods, toil, resource, or luck it is not a blessing alone but also a curse. Too much prosperity has turned America into a land of entitlement as well as opportunity. Many of her free born citizens are closer to narcissistic Paris than valiant Achilles. The wealthy (and there are princes aplenty) have turned from teaching their children the pursuit of honor to tending to the 'business of business'. We have become a slave to the dollar rather than its master precisely because prosperity has lulled us into quiet submission to our possessions (iPods, plasma televisions, cellular phones, internet...) and our passions. In the words of a recently deceased friend of mine, Bruce Behling, who was at one time vice president of a major capital management firm, "a luxury once tried soon becomes a necessity."

Of the world’s prosperous countries I believe ours is the longest surviving under a continuous system of government and- more to the point- economic system, namely Free Market Capitalism. While she may have her faults the goddess Capitalism has proven to have remarkable resilience, and as anyone who has tried to bed her can attest, a mind of her own. She is at once a tawdry seductress, devoted wife and strict mother. She is like the hand of God who ‘giveth’ and ‘taketh away’ and any attempts to rein her in chances disruption of the whole system and the Diva’s wrath. Ronald Regan, under the inspiration of Milton Friedman said it best, “Government is not the solution; government is the problem.” Let the oracles read the signs and she will hand out punishments and rewards as only the divine goddess can.

It isn’t technology or medicine or a political party that I rail against, Perses, but the attitude that assumes a 'right' that neither nature nor the Constitution allows. Prudence, Temperance, Valor, Justice, and Charity built this nation- Envy, Greed, and Sloth may be her undoing. That is my opinion. If I am wrong I will be judged by the One who stands above human history and culture, who judges intentions and actions with omniscient clarity, and not by the shifting winds of passing convention.

I’m sorry if I let the Muses control me, Dear Perses, but your youthful zeal also inspires me. I wish I had more time to revise these murmurings but the nature of the medium is what it is. I do hope I did not offend- that is the last thing I want to do. You are a very good, intelligent and honest young man and I applaud your charity and righteousness. May the gods smile upon your way.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Prayer Before Communion

Mary, my mother, enter into my heart and receive the body of your son Jesus as you received him into your womb at the incarnation, and into your arms at the nativity and the foot of the cross. Receive him with humility, recollection and great love, as you received him in holy communion; and pray for me, Mother of My Soul, who am your unworthy servant.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Grandma's Charity

I remember Grandma Rose telling me what it was like living through the great depression. My Grandpa Chet had a steady job as a mechanic at Wisconsin Power and Light Company. She told me how the family never went without food but there were a lot of people who were hurting. She told me how the "bums"- that's the term she used- used to come around to the back door looking for odd jobs. "You'd find something for them to do, rake leaves or clean the gutters or something, then you'd give 'em a bowl of soup and send 'em off with maybe a piece of bread and they'd thank you and be on their way." She was quick to add, "You were never scared- it was just hard times."

I got to thinking the other day how we don't have that kind of charity anymore. Nowadays we write a check to some association or other and we never see the person who receives it. We no longer look someone in the eye and see a fellow traveler in need and share from what we have, knowing it could just as easily be ourselves who have the hat in hand. And what may be even worse is that the person receiving our charity doesn't have to swallow his pride and come begging. He doesn't have to look his benefactor in the eye and walk away thinking, 'When I get back on my feet I'm going to do the same for someone else'.

Grandma told me about the work programs that the government started. "You'd see people out digging ditches and it looked like busy work but you figured, 'at least they're working.'" I guess that was the beginning of what we now call the Welfare State- the idea that somehow the government is supposed to 'do something'. It seems to me the problem with that is you can't look 'The Government' in the eye when you take your hand out. You don't have to walk away thinking, 'now I have to pay this act of kindness forward'. Accepting assistance from the government- as opposed to charity from a person- is somehow less an act of humility. And the virtue of Charity has been replaced by our 'civic duty' and takes the form of paying taxes.

Prosperity has brought great advances in technology and raised the standard of living of a generation of Americans, but it seems to have come at a cost. Given the choice between FDR's Great Society and Grandma's Charity I honestly wonder which is better. Because like Grandma said, "You were never scared- it was just hard times."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fall River Bridge

Picking up pages from an old magazine,
It don't say nothin' to me.
The pictures are faded like old memories,
They don't mean nothin' to me.

Your voice is sweet, like a whisper in a dream,
Your eyes are deep like the sea
But your heart is cold- like ice on the ocean,
It don't mean nothin' to me.

Under the lights on the Fall River Bridge
I must be something to see.
Moonlight, lamplight, wind in the trees,
They don't mean nothing to me.

You don't know the things you say when you talk in your sleep.
I just sigh and silently die,
You just lay there and weep....

The wedding is over the candles are broken-
some things were not meant to be.
The pillow is soft but the love is forsaken,
It don't mean nothing to me

Under the lights on the Fall River Bridge.
They sure are pretty to see.
Turn out the lights, turn down the sheets
Maybe I'll be in your dreams....

But it won't mean nothing to me.

Monday, September 21, 2009

into the ether

".... well, i wake up in the morning,
fold my hands and pray for rain.
i got a head full of ideas
that are drivin' me insane..."
-Dylan, Maggie's Farm

i think i woke up about 1:00am. first it was just gas- then my head started to swell and pretty soon the whole thing blew up. oh well, make some coffee, read a book, throw something out into the ether....

the dream was one of those where you know you're asleep and you're trying to get a message through but you're afraid to let the two sides meet. there's real terror there. it seems important- the message- but once you come home you realize it makes no sense, but the hair is standing up on the back of your neck.

there was a woman too. she was telling me to remember something and i couldn't quite understand what it was but i whispered it over and over and then i heard myself speak and that's when i came home.

can't promise much, but i hope you like the pictures.